The term Guidant, or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to Guidant as the owner of the website. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website.

The term “website” refers to the Internet domain address and all features, applications, content, and downloads that are operated by us and that are available through or interact with it, and/or post links within the website.

The term “content” refers to a variety of: (i) materials and other items relating to Guidant and its products and services, and similar items from our licensors and other third parties, including all layout, information, text, data, files, images, scripts, designs, graphics, button icons, instructions, illustrations, photographs, audio clips, music, sounds, pictures, videos, advertising copy, URLs, technology, software, interactive features, the “look and feel” of the website, and the compilation, assembly, and arrangement of the materials of the website and any and all copyrightable material (including source and object code); (ii) trademarks, logos, trade names, service marks, and trade identities of various parties, including those of Guidant (collectively, “Trademarks”); and (iii) other forms of intellectual property.      Content included in this website is solely for general information purposes only.

Copyrights and Other Intellectual Property. Except where otherwise expressly noted, all right, title, and interest in and to the content of this website, including the graphics, icons and overall appearance of the website are the sole and exclusive property of Guidant and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates or other third parties who have licensed use to us and is protected by U.S. and international copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property rights and laws.

Website Usage Terms & Conditions. The posting of the content of this website neither constitutes a waiver of any of Guidant proprietary rights or any other party’s proprietary rights, including but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks, servicemarks, patents, and other intellectual property, nor a transfer by implication, estoppel, or otherwise of any such rights or of any license to the website user or to any third party.

Your use/misuse of the trademarks displayed on this website, or any other content on this website, except as provided in these Terms and Conditions, is strictly prohibited and may be a violation of federal trademark, copyright and other laws, and any such use may result in your personal liability, including potential criminal liability.

Guidant will not tolerate links from any obscene, scandalous, profane, defamatory, unlawful site, or any site that may adversely affect the name, reputation and goodwill of Guidant and its products or services.

Links to Other Websites. Guidant may establish links between this website and one or more websites operated by third parties. Guidant has no control over any such other websites or the contents therein. The existence of any such links shall not constitute an endorsement by Guidant of such websites, the contents of the websites, or the operators of the websites.

Transmissions to and from Website. Any transmission to this website, including e-mails and materials, is non-confidential and may be accessed and viewed by other Internet users, without your knowledge or permission, while in transit to us. For that reason, to protect your privacy, please do not use e     mail to communicate information to us that you consider confidential.

Except      as permitted or which may be required by law, Guidant will not disclose any personal data collected to any third party without your consent. We welcome your comments or questions and have provided an e-mail box for that purpose. We will share your comments and questions with our employees and/or Guidant Affiliates or subsidiaries most capable of addressing your questions.

Limitation of Liability. In no event will Guidant or its subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors, or their respective directors, officers, employees, or shareholders be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, whether under a contract, tort or any other theory of liability, arising in connection with any party’s use of the website or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, line system failure, loss of data, or loss of use related to this website or any website operated by any third party or any contents of this website or any other website, even if Guidant is aware of the possibility of such damages.

Without limiting the foregoing, the website and its contents are provided on an “as is” basis without any representations, endorsements, or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

Modifications. Guidant may at any time make modifications, changes, and alterations to the contents of this website, including these Terms and Conditions, without prior notice. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these terms and conditions. Your continued use of this website following any modifications, changes, or alterations shall constitute your acceptance of such modifications, changes, or alterations.

Severability. To the extent any portion of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion will be modified by the court solely to the extent necessary to cause such portion to be enforceable, and these Terms and Conditions, as so modified, shall remain in full force and effect.

Governing Law. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the United States.


Guidant recognizes the importance of the personal information of the viewers who use our website and handles such information with the greatest care. This “Personal Information Policy on the website” (hereinafter referred to as “the Privacy Policy”) stipulates how we collect your personal information, and which of your personal information we collect so that you feel secure when visiting the website. When visiting the website, please understand “the Privacy Policy” well and provide us with your personal information only if you consent to “the Privacy Policy”.

Collection of Personal Information. “Personal information” stipulated in “the Privacy Policy” means information such as name, address, telephone number, and e     mail address. Your personal information may be collected on the website when you voluntarily send us an inquiry.

Proper Management of Personal Information. Guidant will implement appropriate safety measures to protect your personal information that we have received and take adequate measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, and loss.

Compliance with the Laws and Regulations. Guidant will comply with the laws and regulations pertaining to your personal information, as well as Guidant company regulations and/or policies. When requested under law and by regulation, we may disclose your personal information without your permission.

Links. The website contains links to some external websites;      however, we will not share your personal information with such external websites. In particular, since Guidant will not take any responsibilities for the collection of personal information by such external websites, please refer to the linked websites for how they handle your personal information.